Fraud Blocker דילוג לתוכן המרכזי בעמוד
49 Years Expertise / 5 Years Warranty

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Affiliate FAQ


  • What is the Eilon Engineering Affiliate Program?
    • We offer you the opportunity to earn a commission by simply linking to our store from your site or social media account.
  • How can I earn commissions with the Affiliate Program?
    • Sign up. We will provide you with an Affiliate Link for use on your website or social media. The link can be used on banners and other images or directly in your social media post. Your visitors click the link and you earn a commission from any purchase they make.
  • Are there any tools available to help me with marketing?
    • We will provide you with a variety of banners, images, and catalogs for your use.
  • If a visitor comes back later to buy, do I still get a commission?
    • Yes, your customer is identified by his device. Once registered, all purchases made by your customer will continue to earn you commissions FOREVER!
  • What is an Affiliate Link?
    • An affiliate link is a URL that contains your unique affiliate ID. Each time a visitor clicks your link and is redirected to our site that visitor is “tagged” as your customer.
  • Can I promote my affiliate link on more than one website?
    • Yes, we can work with all kinds of websites, blogs and social media pages. The link can even be used for email marketing.
  • How much can I earn in commissions?
    • Earn a 15% commission on every purchase made by your customers
  • How much does it cost to join?
    • Nothing at all, we pay you! Just register and begin earning commissions.
  • How will I be paid?
    • Commissions earned on your account can be withdrawn with a check or wire transfer.
  • How can I keep track of my sales and earnings?
    • All pending and completed sales are tracked on your Affiliate Dashboard
  • Are there any tools available to help me with marketing?
    • We will provide you with a variety of banners and other images for your use. 
  • If a customer clicks the link does he leave my website?
    • No, simply set the link to open in a new tab. This can be done from your sites management screen by adding target="_blank" to the href tag.    
  • Is there a minimum amount I need to reach in order to be paid?
    • No, the commission from even a single sale is available to you.

Call Us:

US / Canada / International: 1-888-778-8064

UK: 0800 8620354


US / Canada / International: 1-888-778-8064

UK: 0800 8620354


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