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Accessibility Declaration

Accessibility Statement for Eilon Engineering Website

Websites have become the primary platform for publishing information about a company and the various services it offers the general public.

This is a catalog website that contains comprehensive information about Eilon Engineering and all the products it markets.
The company’s products include: dynamometers, crane scales, load cells for monitoring system load and more. The website also presents extensive information about the various uses of the company’s products, video clips, downloadable catalogs, a quick means of contacting company personnel, and more.

Our primary goal in providing an accessible website is to create equal opportunities on the internet for individuals with disabilities and for those who use various assistive technologies to browse the Web.  

Accessibility Adjustments to the Website

Adjustments were made to the website in conformance with the Israeli standard (IS 5568) and Level AA of web content accessibility recommendations, in addition to WCAG2.0 recommendations published by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) which engages in developing international standards for the Web.      

The adjustments to the website were tested on the most commonly used browsers: Google Chrome and Internet Explorer. For a pleasant and optimal browsing experience with screen reader software we recommend using the most updated version of NVDA software.   

To provide website accessibility for persons with disabilities numerous steps were taken, among them:

  • A proper contrast ratio between colors and the website’s background color.
  • Tagging page headings according to the information displayed on the page and the page structure.  
  • Creating a proper logical focus order for website navigation using the keyboard.
  • Creating a prominent and clear visual effect combined with a frame when navigating with the keyboard.
  • Creating a proper navigation order combined with a clear focus when navigating with the keyboard.  
  • Adding unique headings in proper hierarchal order according to the website structure and the information displayed. 
  • Using an easy-to-use and clear menu on every website page.
  • Adding a website map for better navigation on every website page.

Adjustments to the website for users using screen reading software:

  • A semantic and easy-to-use structure for users using screen reading software. 
  • Adding page headings displaying the page purpose. 
  • Using detailed labels in website contact forms. 
  • Using an aria label attribute to adapt the information displayed on the website to users using screen reading software.
  • Using simple and clear language on all website pages.

Consulting and accompaniment of Eilon Engineering website accessibility was provided by WEB-A website, applications and advanced systems accessibility.


The company does not have reception hours.


Company employees believe that every person with a disability must be able to use the services offered on the website equitably, enjoyably and experientially.   

Special changes and adjustments were made to this website using the most updated and suitable technology in order to meet the needs of our customers and website users.

Nonetheless, it is important to note that you may find certain elements which are not fully accessible or are undergoing accessibility processes for persons with disabilities.

Did you find a website element that is not accessible? Contact us and we promise to check and improve this as soon as possible, and of course to provide the best personal service quickly and to your satisfaction.  

Accessibility Inquiries

For further information, questions and special requests regarding website accessibility please contact us:

Name: Noga Eilon

Office telephone: 04-8578797

The Accessibility Statement was updated on January 26, 2023


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