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Stage Rigging


In events such as live theatre performances, concerts and other events including circuses or exhibitions there is usually a large audience and performer participation.

There is generally a need for tons of audio, video and lighting equipment being hung above the audience, actors and stage hands. This equipment needs to be hung safely and securely and be constantly monitored by a load measuring system for the safety of all the people beneath this equipment.                                                                                                        

Due to a phenomenon in physics called “Statically Indeterminate Structures”, load distribution of equipment hung on more than two suspension points on a truss or on a structure using three or more suspension points, is practically unpredictable.

As a result. some of the points might carry just a small portion of the load while others might be dangerously overloaded.

Therefore, continuous load monitoring, from the moment of the erection of the installation, during the entire performance and until dismantling, is crucial for overload detection and prevention.

Our Ron StageMaster wireless and wired multi point load monitoring system is the ideal solution for safe stage rigging:

  • All our load cells are Fatigue Rated as required by ASME BTH-1       
  • Wireless and wired load cells combined with a single receiver         
  • Bluetooth compatibility with iPhones / iPads
  • Continuous Load Monitoring 24/7/365
  • Unbeatable Battery Life up to 8,000 hours - The amazing extended battery life eliminates the need for sleep or standby mode or even worse, deactivation of  the systems. All of which are unsafe.   
  • 0.1% of full scale accuracy
  • Set point option for E-stop and alarms (connects to any controller)
  • A real time load map allows riggers to easily notice a developing overload and take   immediate preventative action  
  • Downloadable data log of months of continuous measurements.
  • Capacities: 0.5t to 300t with Safety Factor 5:1, 10:1 and higher
  • Extreme Range: up to several km/miles. (optional)
  • SMS alert on overload / underload occurrence
  • 200 Load Cells per Monitoring Station
  • Chosen by NASA, Cirque du Soleil, Boeing, Tait, PRG, Walt Disney and many others
  • Proven Wireless Technology since 1976

Recommended Models

Ron StageMaster - Multi Point Load Monitoring

Multi point load monitoring

Ron 4000 - Load Cell with Built-in Amplifier

Analog tension load cell




A truss hangs from two load cells before being lifted into position






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US / Canada / International: 1-888-778-8064

UK: 0800 8620354


US / Canada / International: 1-888-778-8064

UK: 0800 8620354


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